Hair transplant surgery has far broader applications than merely restoring the traditional age-related male or female pattern baldness. You can restore your eyebrows, beard, moustache, remove scars, and even lower your hairline, called forehead reduction surgery. Transgender hair adaption surgery is also available.
Our surgeons are acclaimed hair transplant specialists and ready to assist you.
Today it’s been 9 months post-surgery and I literally have a head full of hair!
I can not even begin to explain how happy I am. The hair growth started within a month after the procedure and for two months already I could clip the hair back.
It has now been nearly two years since my procedure ,and I just thought about it again today,how chuffed I am with the results and how different my life would have been if I did not have that procedure done!
Watch the 8-minute video as acclaimed hair transplant specialist, Dr Larry Gershowitz returns a patient with male pattern baldness to his former glory. Doctor Larry operates with sheer passion, skill, and artistry.
Speak to our Surgeons today about scar removal, eyebrow restoration, hairline lowering, transgender hair adaption, and more.