We know hair restoration and have compiled a list of top questions to ask your hair transplant surgeon, and learn for your own benefit:
- Do you know all the facts regarding ultra-refined grafting, micrograft transplants and space-age procedures such as follicular unit transplantation? Read up on these fascinating procedures and learn the success and failure rates of each to attain a healthy outlook on your surgical procedure.
- If you are searching for a permanent hair transplant that leaves no scars on the scalp, look into the follicle isolation technique. For those who have deep pockets, this could be the ideal and permanent method of hair transplantation for them.
- Talk to other patients who have had the same procedure that you have had and discover their stories. There are many blogs and forums that discuss the exact procedures that you are considering, so ‘Google’ it and learn the insider information.
- Have you ever heard others describing that they have lost their hair due to stress, malnutrition and the like? These are all big, fat, lies. Hair loss can occur in any individual, regardless of social standing, stress levels and so on. The only solution to hair loss is a hair transplantation graft.
- Med Hair has top-notch hair restoration surgeons, but for those who are looking outside of our fine clinic, ensure that you surgeon you choose is of a reputable, reputable and one that comes highly recommended by former patients.
- Never purchase a hair growth product that is not FDA approved. There are very few of these products for a reason – and that reason is that most of them do not work and will not contribute significantly to hair growth at all.
Put your mind at ease and visit our hair transplant surgery online to see how the experts get the job done!