See which celebrities pass and fail the Hair Q test

The Hair Q Score system, which was developed by a medical doctor and experienced hair transplant surgeon, has calculated the best and worst in celebrity hair in Hollywood. On the top of the list are stars Ellen DeGeneres, Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Aniston who scored 9 points in the 10-point rating system.

The celebrities that made up the other end of the list include the likes of David Letterman and Lindsay Lohan. Not surprisingly, Donald Trump owns that crown for worst celebrity hair. Nobody managed to score a perfect 10, but other celebrities on the list include high-flyers Kim Kardashian with a Hair Q score of 9 and George Clooney (8), while other strugglers include Nicholas Cage (3) and Mel Gibson (2).

The rating system was created by a team of experts, led by hair restoration and transplant surgeon Dr Larry Shapiro, focusing on the following: health, shine, colour, texture, volume and presentation. Dr Shapiro has performed thousands of micro-minigraft/follicular unit hair restoration surgery procedures, and was the first doctor in the South of the USA to become an expert in micro-mini grafts. “When you see Jennifer Aniston, it’s almost impossible not to get caught up in the beauty of her hair. And you might say the opposite about celebrities like The Donald, whose hair has become almost a ludicrous logo,” he said.

Many celebrities follow strict diets and fitness routines that can seriously hamper the condition of their hair, while some supplements such as testosterone and human growth hormones can actually result in hair loss. Because of this, Dr Shapiro went on to create the Help Hair line of products. These hair loss products include a hair-friendly protein shake which can be used in conjunction with your fitness eating plan.

Should you already be suffering from hair loss, why not consider undergoing a hair restoration procedure. Medical Hair Restoration will allow you to once again enjoy a full head of healthy hair. Contact us now for more information on how you can book your hair transplant and regain your treasured locks.

Put your mind at ease and visit our hair transplant surgery online to see how the experts get the job done!