Best hair transplant surgery at Medical Hair Restoration in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg, South Africa.
The Medical Hair Restoration Team is comprised of world-renowned and highly respected Hair Transplant Surgeons. Our Surgeons are assisted by experienced Associate Doctors and Support Staff. MHR offers full-spectrum practices in Cape Town and Durban with a satellite practice in Sandton, Johannesburg.
The Doctors at MHR have performed nearly 10 000 hair transplants collectively and earned a well-deserved reputation as South Africa’s top hair loss clinic. Doctors Larry Gershowitz and Ryan Jankelowitz perform hair transplants on a near-daily basis at MHR Cape Town earning them thousands of surgery hours exclusively focussed on hair.
In Durban, Dr. Taher Rasool developed a reputation for removing skin pathologies with minimal to zero scarring before he moved into the hair restoration field which he now performs with great artistic skill.
Dr. Yaniv Lacob is at the helm of MHR Johannesburg and operates a satellite practice with a niche in follicular restoration through the use of blood plasma.
Doctor Ryan Jankelowitz perform FUE and FUT surgery at the Cape Town MHR on a daily basis. When Doctor Ryan is not in the theatre, you will find him in his office doing virtual and in-office consultations advising on a variety of hair loss-related issues.
Name: Dr. Ryan Orde Jankelowitz
Qualification: MB BCh WWR
HPCSA Number: MP0469750
Board: Medical and Dental Professions Board
Doctor Larry Gershowitz is considered to be South Africa’s top FUT Hair Transplant Surgeon and hair expert. Doctor Larry has developed a passion for Ethnic Hair Transplant surgery and has performed more ethnic hair transplants than any other surgeon in Africa.
Name: Dr. Larry Gavin Gershowitz
Qualification: MB ChB Stell
HPCSA Number: MP0372706
Board: Medical and Dental Professions Board
Doctor Chrisna has been practising in the field of Aesthetic Medicine for 9 years and has developed a special interest in medical hair restoration. Doctor Chrisna does follicular regeneration treatment at MHR Cape Town using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to regenerate hair growth and has performed more than 500 PRP procedures in the past two years. Dr Chrisna is also a specialist in FUE and FUT hair transplant surgery.
Name: Dr. Chrisna Keyser
Qualification: MBChB, Adv Dip Aesth Med (Cum Laude) (FPD)
HPCSA Number: MP 0716235
Board: Medical and Dental Professions Board
Dr. Stephanie Ferreira is a skilled medical doctor with a background in general surgery and aesthetics. Known for her friendly and patient-centered approach, she is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their personal goals through tailored cosmetic care.
Name: Dr. Stephanie Ferreira
Qualification: MBChB; BSc
HPCSA Number: MP 0876259
Board: Medical and Dental Professions Board
In hair restoration surgery, Dr. Taher Rasool aims for perfection and practices innovation in hair loss treatment and restoration. FUE Hair Transplant, Beard, and Eyebrow Transplantation and Follicular Regeneration PRP are surgical therapies available at MHR Durban by Doctor Taher.
Name: Dr. Taher Rasool
Qualification: MBCHB
HPCSA Number: MP 0634492
Board: Medical and Dental Professions Board
Doctor Yaniv Lacob is based in Sandton, where since 2018 he has worked with Medical Hair Restoration. He is well versed in scalp skin conditions, hair loss, and hair restoration. He is highly qualified in platelet therapy, for which the technique of mesotherapy is used.
Name: Dr. Yaniv Lacob
Qualification: MBCHB
HPCSA Number: MP 0508640
Board: Medical and Dental Professions Board
Medical Hair Restoration Solutions
Speak to our dedicated doctors about restoring your lost hair, beard, eyebrows, or even eyelashes. Furthermore, our surgeons also restore traction alopecia and remove scars. Medical Hair Restoration is well known for ethnic hair transplantation, hairline lowering, and transgender hair adaptation, as well as the highest quality hair transplant surgery available today.